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Make money with Amazon

Make money with Amazon
រកលុយជាមួយ Amazon

What is the Amazon Associates program?

Benefits of Amazon Affiliate Websites

1. Easy to outsource
If you keep them simple and have no plans to expand them into niche authority sites, you can easily build dozens or hundreds of these sites over time by outsourcing them.
If you choose to expand into a massive niche authority site, there’s plenty you can outsource as well but I can tell you from experience you really need to pay some attention to these sites because there are a lot of moving parts.  That said, if you set it all up well, it shouldn’t take more than 10 to 30 minutes of your time per day.
2. A very scalable model
I don’t think I would ever focus my entire online business with smaller Amazon affiliate sites sites, but I definitely like the idea of having a few of them cranking profits each month.  Heck, even low four figures per month makes the enterprise worth doing.
You can scale them in 4 ways:
  • Grow it into a monster niche site
  • Build more of them
  • Add e-commerce
  • Develop a flipping business – launch, grow to $1K to $10K per month and then sell.  Rinse and repeat.
3. Fast to launch and grow
Even if you write it all yourself, you can have a good looking site live within 30 days.  From there it’s promotion (euphemism for link building).  If you have a team in place, it’s just a matter of you feeding them keywords and of course clear instructions on how to set them up.
4. Focus on links and less on content production
If you decide to not grow it into a full blown niche site, in order to get traffic from the search engines, you’ll need some decent backlinks.  Once the site is built, your job is getting backlinks.  If building links is your thing, it can be a terrific website model.
5. Potential to grow into authority site
I’ve covered this quite a bit, but it’s an important benefit.  If your site is doing well, you can often expand it into a massive authority site with which to cover many more products, build authority, social channels… the whole nine yards.
6. Easy to sell for a good income multiple
Buyers love these sites.  They sell fast.  I think one reason there are big buyers for these sites is they can convert them into e-commerce sites which can dramatically increase profits overnight.

Cons of Amazon Affiliate Websites

1. Boring to write
If you write your own content, I won’t lie, this stuff is boring.  I’ve written a lot of this type of content in my day.
2. Vulnerable to Google search updates
Most of your converting traffic will be from organic search.  If a Google update negatively impacts you, you can lose a lot of money quickly.
Difficult to get natural links, but good for other types of links
I think you’ll find it hard to get other websites to link to you unless you either publish linkable content or go black hat (PBN and/or buy links and/or publish guest posts on other sites).
3. Not great for social traffic
Your curling iron reviews post is not going viral on Facebook or any social channel.  It just isn’t.  Maybe photos of you with some wicked hairstyles will go viral, but they won’t convert all that well.  The point is social media isn’t all that great for simple Amazon affiliate websites.
That said, if you expand into a large authority niche website, you can easily create social media friendly content.  In this case you’ll want to incorporate display ads in the non-promotional content or else work on email sign ups.
4. Being an affiliate can be risky
Amazon has kicked affiliates out of their program.  If you promote mostly Amazon, you’re always at risk of being kicked out of the affiliate program.  If you promote other merchants, they can always changed terms of the program, end, kick you out, etc.  The fact is as an affiliate you’re vulnerable to the whims of the merchants.
Relying on this online model exclusively is risky.  While I’m all for building a bunch of these into a killer revenue stream, I’d be nervous if this were my only model for revenue.

Are these types of sites ethical?

When done right, they’re very ethical. In fact, I think they can be some of the most useful and helpful content published online.  For example, I recently bought a new car.  I spent hours reading about all types of cars and watching car videos online.  The internet helped me with my buying decision big time.  I know that every review is just an opinion other than car specs (which don’t mean much to me).  I also know there are bogus sites out there… but it’s pretty easy to distinguish the junk sites from the quality sites.
In fact, I don’t think a week goes by where I haven’t relied on someone’s experience, testing and review of some product – whether software, a plugin, a course, clothing, appliance, etc.  I know such content will not guarantee I won’t buy the wrong item, but overall they help minimize buying the wrong item. Such content also helps narrow down potential options which saves me time.
Since I, as a consumer, find these types of sites and content so helpful, there’s no reason my becoming an expert within a product line can’t help out other people.
Notice I said “become an expert within a product line”.  That’s my goal.  I believe I’ve achieved that within a couple of months.  I currently own 20 different models of the product line I publish about.  I’ve spent umpteen hours using these products and in fact use them every day for personal use and investing time in learning as much about them as I can.
Which means, at this point, after a short 2 months or so, I am expert in the product line.  I know more than 98% of the population and probably within 2 or 3 more months, after buying more of these products and investing another 200 hours in using them, I will know more about these products and the industry than 99.8% of the population.
That means my opinion matters and is probably helpful.

Growing an Amazon Affiliate Site into a Monster Business

If you get your Amazon niche website to $1,000+ per month, you have a good thing going.  You also have a decision to make, which is how to scale that revenue into a monster online business.  Here are some options.

Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs and was launched in 1996. The Amazon Associates program has a more than 12 year track record of developing solutions to help website owners, Web developers, and Amazon sellers make money by advertising millions of new and used products from Amazon.com and its subsidiaries, such as Endless.com and SmallParts.com. When website owners and bloggers who are Associates create links and customers click through those links and buy products from Amazon, they earn referral fees. It’s free to join and easy to use.

ក្រុមហ៊ុន Amazon Associates គឺជាកម្មវិធីទីផ្សារអនឡាញដំបូងគេបង្អស់និងត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងនៅឆ្នាំ 1996 ។ កម្មវិធីក្រុមហ៊ុន Amazon Associates មានឯកសារជាង 12 ឆ្នាំក្នុងការបង្កើតដំណោះស្រាយដើម្បីជួយម្ចាស់គេហទំព័រអ្នកបង្កើតគេហទំព័រនិងអ្នកលក់ Amazon ដែលរកលុយបានដោយការផ្សព្វផ្សាយរាប់លាននាក់ថ្មីៗ និងបានប្រើផលិតផលពី Amazon.com និងក្រុមហ៊ុនបុត្រសម្ព័ន្ធរបស់ខ្លួនដូចជា Endless.com និង SmallParts.com ។ នៅពេលដែលម្ចាស់គេហទំព័រនិងអ្នកសរសេរប្លុកដែលជាដៃគូបង្កើតតំណភ្ជាប់និងអតិថិជនចុចតាមរយៈតំណភ្ជាប់ទាំងនោះនិងទិញផលិតផលពីក្រុមហ៊ុន Amazon ពួកគេរកកម្រៃសេវាបញ្ជូន។ វាឥតគិតថ្លៃចូលរួមនិងងាយស្រួលប្រើប្រាស់។
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  • Membership Sharing: Two adults living in the same household can create an Amazon Household to share certain Amazon Prime benefits. For more information, go to About Amazon Households.If you have a paid Prime membership under your personal account you can share your shipping benefits with your Amazon Business user account. Go to Amazon Prime and Business Accounts.
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