Make money online by online store
One of the best ways to make money online is to start your own online store. Literally millions of people have done it, and even though that makes it sound like there is too much competition to make any money, there are still opportunities for making money in the online space that can provide extra income or even replace your full time income if you put forth the right amount of time and effort.
Starting an Online Store Has Its Advantages
The cool thing about an online store is that it’s not like a traditional brick and mortar store in that:
- You don’t have to carry any physical inventory if you don’t want to
- Startup costs are very low
- You can work on it in your spare time
Less Risk When Opening an Online Store
Yet another cool thing about starting an online store is that it’s a business you can much more easily build over time with very little risk. When you open a brick and mortar store, you can have tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in rental space, physical inventory, employees, and other expenses before you even make your first sale.
If business gets slow, or if you fail to build a clientele that comes back for more, you still have huge expenses that have to be paid, regardless of whether you have paying customers or not.
On the other hand, an online store is cheap to start, you can learn as you go along, and you can build a clientele over time without putting huge amounts of money at risk to do it.
How To Start an Online Store
So how do you start your own online store? There are a lot of ways you can do it. First, you’ll need to figure out where you want your store to be located. You can start a store on popular sites such as:
- Amazon
- Ebay
- Etsy
- Or another online marketplace
However, the better option is to start your store through your own standalone website.
A Unique Online Presence
Of all the options available, a standalone site is usually best because it allows you to build a unique online presence that isn’t just another faceless Amazon or EBay store. Using a platform such as the ones mentioned above can work, and you can make money there, but in the long run, you are one faceless store out of thousands, and you can’t really build an online identity as easily on those sites, which is important.
Building Your Brand
A standalone site allows you to build a brand identity so your site can be the “go to” site for whatever you’re selling. That unique presence allows you to build relationships with your customers in a way that the large platforms can’t. The result is that you build a customer base that:
Build an online store selling products of your choice.
You should have the business part of the online store already figured out—a company name, the products or services (or both) you want to market, and pricing for those items.
Then you will need
• A domain name (less than $10/year).
• A web host (about $72/year).
• A dedicated IP address (about $2/month) for your website and private SSL certificate ($50/year).
• A shopping cart script (free).
• A payment gateway (varies). you'll need an online payment processor so you can accept credit cards.
Everything You Need to Know
Create a Profitable Online Store is a comprehensive course that follows a proven step by step process that addresses every single detail of starting an online store, such as;
- How to find your niche
- How to choose the right products
- How to rank in search engines
- What shopping cart solutions to use
- How to launch your store’s website (it’s not as hard as you think!)
- And a ton more…
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